worker has fallen and construction hat is on the ground nearby

Falls From Heights

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

Falling from heights, while more common in a construction or manual work environment, can also take place in other environments such as offices and retail outlets. According to OSHA, these types of falls are the largest cause of occupational fatalities in the construction industry, accounting for 566 out of 1623 occupational deaths in the U.S. A lack of fall protection …

Workers’ Compensation Increases Company Accountability

Sadow & Froy Hot Topics, Injuries We Handle

Workplace injuries are unfortunately common. Any time there is an injury, accountability should be demanded by individuals, the legal system, and the government. The worker should always receive benefits owed through workers’ compensation. However, when injuries occur because of repeated neglect of safety, not only should workers receive swift and fair compensation, but companies should implement changes. Workers’ Compensation advocates, …

four surgeons in an operating room

Failed Back Surgeries

Sadow & Froy Best Tips, Injuries We Handle

There was a recent mass shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The shooter was suffering from increased pain following a failed back surgery and targeted his surgeon in the attack. While we do not condone violence of any sort, this attack leads us to examine Failed Back Surgery Syndrome. The man was noted to be experiencing excruciating back pain, and we are …

adapted car with wheelchair lift after rehabilitation conference

What is a Rehabilitation Conference?

Sadow & Froy Best Tips, Injuries We Handle

We recently attended a Rehabilitation Conference with a client at the State Board of Workers’ Compensation.  A Rehabilitation Conference is a conference scheduled with the Rehabilitation Division of the State Board in catastrophic cases.  A catastrophic case entitles injured workers to lifetime income benefits and medical and rehabilitation services not offered in other cases. The purpose of these conferences is …

Workers’ Compensation Maximum Increases

Sadow & Froy Hot Topics, Settlements

Effective July 1, 2022, workers’ compensation maximum payouts will increase. The maximum weekly compensation rate for temporary total disability benefits (TTD) will increase from $675.00 per week to $725.00 per week for injuries on or after July 1, 2022.  The maximum rate for temporary partial disability benefits (TPD) will increase from $450 per week to $483.00 per week for injuries …

expert negotiators

10 Strengths of Experienced Negotiators

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

Is your worker’s compensation attorney an experienced negotiator?  Expert negotiation skills make a huge difference in the outcome of your mediation. When you are deciding who to represent you in your workers’ compensation claim, be sure the attorney has most, if not all, of these signs of a top negotiator. With more than 30 years of experience, the attorneys at Sadow & …

Sadow Recognized as AVVO Top-Rated Lawyer

Sadow & Froy Awards

Founding attorney Susan Sadow, with the Georgia law firm Sadow & Froy, has been recognized by AVVO as a top-rated workers’ compensation lawyer. You can read Susan’s outstanding reviews here. The AVVO rating is an independent, online ranking system of attorneys across the country, in all specialties. Ratings are determined by activity on the page and client reviews. All lawyers …

The Role of Caregiver After Catastrophic Injury 

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

When someone suffers a catastrophic work-related injury, finding the right caregiver is a very important part of the recovery process.  Caregiving can be provided by agency staff or by family members if an RN or LPN is not required.  While almost all seriously injured workers prefer to have family members care for them, it is so important that the caregiver does …

Ladder injuries on the job

6 Tips to Avoid Ladder Injuries

Sadow & Froy Best Tips, Injuries We Handle

We often see serious work-related injuries when our clients have fallen from ladders.  Many ladder injuries can be prevented if proper safety techniques are followed.  There are more than 300 ladder-related deaths and over 130,000 emergency room visits related to ladders each year, as well as 2,000 ladder-related injuries every day. ANSI.Org It is important to first consider the task …

nurse with stethescope in hand

6 Common Nursing Injuries

Sadow & Froy Best Tips, Hot Topics, Injuries We Handle

Nursing is definitely a fulfilling and rewarding occupation.  Nurses choose their jobs because they want to do meaningful work and help people.  However, nurses face many workplace hazards, which can result in serious injuries.  The most common injuries that nurses encounter on the job fall into six categories. Overexertion Slip and Falls Violence Contact with Objects or Equipment Transportation Incidents …