Failed Back Surgery

Sadow & Froy Best Tips, Injuries We Handle, Settlements

We recently attended a seminar where pain specialist, Dr. Randy Rizor, gave an informative talk on failed back surgery cases.  Dr. Rizor spoke on the causes of back surgery as well as the need for post-operative treatment. In the area of workers’ compensation, spine surgery cases are the most expensive.  There are about 1,000,000 spine surgeries performed each year. About …

10 Reasons To Choose Sadow & Froy for workers comp

10 Reasons You Need Us For Workers’ Compensation Case

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

1.  Workers’ compensation in Georgia is a complex process.  As soon as we are hired to represent you, we will help you gather the necessary paperwork and documentation so that a timely claim can be properly filed on your behalf.  2.  Let’s face it.  You are not going to get the medical treatment that you need from a company clinic. …

disability questions

Are Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability Benefits Available to me if I Have a Workers’ Comp Case?

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

We are often asked by our clients if they can collect Short Term or Long Term Disability benefits at the same time as they are receiving workers’ compensation benefits for an accident on the job. First of all, in order to receive either Short or Long Term Disability benefits, you need to find out if you have this coverage under …

compensation rate increase

Breaking News: Increase in Weekly Compensation Rate for Georgia’s  Injured Workers Effective July 1, 2023

Sadow & Froy Hot Topics

Injured workers in Georgia who are unable to work are entitled to receive non-taxable weekly workers’ compensation benefits that are 2/3 of their pre-injury average weekly wage. Currently, the cap on these weekly benefits (known as temporary total disability benefits or TTD))  is $725.00. However, the 2023 Georgia Legislative session has just ended and we are happy to share some …

knee surgery impairment rating

How do Impairment Ratings get Assigned After Knee Surgery?

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

If you suffer a serious workers’ compensation knee injury, your doctor may recommend knee surgery.  Even after you have knee surgery, you may still have some permanent limitations as a result of your injury. In Georgia and many other states, workers’ compensation pays you some benefits when you have a permanent impairment due to your injury. Unfortunately, there is no …

warehouse injuries are the most common form of workers' compensation injury

High Risk of Injury for Warehouse Workers

Sadow & Froy Hot Topics

Statistically, we have found that five out of every 100 warehouse workers in the United States can expect to suffer an injury. This is almost two times the average nationally for any industry. 15% of all accidental deaths take place when people work in a warehouse, and 25% of all injuries nationwide occurred to warehouse workers. You’re eight times more likely to suffer a back injury if you work in a warehouse than in another environment.

successful deposition in workers' compensation

What You Need to Know Before Giving a Successful Deposition in a Workers’ Compensation Case

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

Successful deposition testimony can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case! Many times, after a successful deposition, a workers’ compensation case does not go to court. The case may settle or the case may be accepted as compensable which means that the insurance company will start paying your income benefits and provide you with medical treatment for your injuries.

return to work after injury

The Key to a Successful Return to Work After a Work-Related Injury

Sadow & Froy Best Tips

Many of our clients suffer Catastrophic work-related injuries and are not able to return to work. However, we also represent injured workers who may be able to return to light-duty positions that do not match their pre-injury jobs. We know this can be a frightening situation, but we also believe that when one door closes, another better door can open. Particularly …