Hot Topics in Georgia Workers’ Compensation

Sadow & Froy Hot Topics

Workers’ compensation is ever changing and evolving as changes arise in the work force.  In Georgia, workers’ compensation law are subject to ongoing changes and developments.  In this blog, we will delve into some of the hot topics in Georgia workers’ compensation, highlighting recent trends and key issues affecting both employees and employers. 

Remote Work and Workers’ Compensation 

The rises of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about new challenges in workers’ compensation.  Questions surrounding whether injuries sustained while working from home are eligible for compensation have become significant. Georgia, like many other states, is navigating the intricacies of determining when remote work injuries are covered by workers’ compensation. Employers should be encouraged to set clear guidelines and policies regarding remote worker safety and injury reporting. 

Changes in Medical Treatment and Telemedicine 

Telemedicine has gained traction in the workers’ compensation system due to the pandemic and is likely to remain relevant.  Georgia has seen an increase in the use of telemedicine for initial injury assessments, follow up appointments and mental health visits.  This shift has the potential to streamline medical care and reduce costs while ensuring injured workers’ receive the necessary treatment promptly. This is especially true for clients that live in remote rural areas of Georgia. 

Return-To-Work Programs 

In Georgia, as in many states, there is a growing emphasis on return-to-work programs.  These programs aim to help injured employees transition back into the workforce as soon as possible, reducing the financial burden for the employer and insurer.  Employers are often times encouraged by their insurance carriers to develop effective return-to-work policies which may involve offering light duty assignments or modified work arrangements. However, injured workers must be careful as many times their alleged return-to-work programs are nothing more than an attempt to provide a basis for the injured worker to be fired for cause. It is critical to have an experienced workers’ compensation attorney handling your case to ensure that your rights are protected. 

The Role of Technology in Claims Managements

Advancements in technology are shaping the way claims are managed in Georgia’s workers’ compensation system. Data analytics, artificial intelligence and other digital tools are streamlining claims processing, improving communication and hopefully enhancing the efficiency of the entire workers’ compensation system in Georgia.  Employers and insurance providers must stay up to date with these technological advances such as direct deposit of weekly benefits and online prescription programs to ensure a smooth and efficient claims process.  An issue definitely on the horizon in Georgia workers’ compensation is the use of a cyber or electronic panel of physicians. This would change the landscape of the requirements for employers and insurers to remain in control of medical treatment.  Our attorneys will be monitoring developments on this issue as the topic makes its way through the Governor’s Advisory Committee.  

Georgia workers’ compensation is a dynamic and evolving areas of the law, influenced by legal changes, emerging trends and societal shifts.  Staying informed about these hot topics is crucial and is at the forefront of our practice.  By keeping a finger on the pulse of these hot topics, we can better adapt and advocate for our clients.