overexertion injuries can be caused by improper lifting

Tips to Reduce Overexertion Injuries

Sadow & Froy Best Tips, Injuries We Handle

The number of serious injuries we see from overexertion at work is dramatically rising. Quite often these injuries occur because companies with staffing shortages require their employee to work overtime to make up for the reduction in personnel.  Whether you spend your days on an assembly line, typing on a computer, or somewhere in between, it’s important to know the signs of overexertion.

Symptoms of Overexertion Injuries

Overexertion injuries can range from being a nuisance to causing long-term debilitating injuries. It’s important to seek treatment as soon as you feel something is wrong. The range of symptoms include:

  • posture problems
  • intermittent discomfort
  • tendonitis
  • chronic pain
  • disability

Preventing Overexertion Injuries

stretching reduces overexertion injuries

Regular exercise, stretching and strength training are all beneficial in preventing injuries. The following tips will also help avoid these injuries.

  1. Plan before you lift a heavy object, keep your back straight and lift with your legs
  2. Try to limit the amount of time you spend doing the same motion over and over
  3. Try to take frequent breaks from any sustained position every 20-30 minutes
  4. If you work at a desk, move frequently used items close to you, use a footrest, and adjust the height of your computer
  5. Report pain, swelling, numbness, tingling, tenderness, or loss of strength to your supervisor as soon as possible.  Request that a written injury report be completed and then request a copy of your employer’s panel of physicians so that you can get the medical attention that you need.

We have represented thousands of clients who have been injured due to overexertion at work.  If you or a family member have suffered an on-the-job injury from overexertion, repetitive motion, or repetitive heavy lifting, we will assist you in getting the income benefits and medical treatment that you deserve.  Let us work for you!

Sadow & Froy solely represents seriously injured workers in workers’ compensations cases. The highly respected lead attorneys are on several “Best of” lists including Atlanta Magazine’s Super Lawyer lists. Both attorneys have received numerous industry awards. To see if your case qualifies for workers’ compensation, benefits visit our website for a free evaluation.