10 New Year’s Tips If You Have Been Injured On The Job In Georgia
1. Don’t let the insurance company take advantage of you. If you don’t have an attorney, it is not a level playing field.
2. Don’t let your employer send you to a clinic without showing you the panel of physicians first.
3. Don’t call out sick without an excuse from your authorized treating physician, or you run the risk of being terminated.
4. Don’t think that just because your case seems to be going smoothly, the adjuster is looking out for your best interests.
5. Don’t negotiate a settlement with your adjuster without legal advice.
6. Don’t wait to get legal advice if you need a second opinion and the insurance company’s doctor is not treating you fairly.
7. Don’t post anything about your injury or your daily activities on social media.
8. Don’t think that just because you have been on the job for a long time, your employer will take care of you if you have suffered a serious work-related injury. You are now a liability.
9. Don’t put up with the insurance company sending your weekly checks late. Penalties may be owed for late or missed payments.
10. Don’t let the insurance company delay authorizations for medical treatment or testing that you need. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can seek an expedited conference call with a Judge to get you the treatment that you need.